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Common Shortcuts in Typora

Introducing commonly used shortcuts in Typora for easy reference.

1. Common Shortcuts in Typora

  1. ctrl + / Switch between edit mode/preview mode

  2. ctrl + 1 ~ 6 Heading 1~6 Equivalent to: Heading 1: # + space + heading content Heading 2: ## + space + heading content Heading 3: ### + space + heading content …… Up to Heading 6

  3. ctrl + B Bold

  4. ctrl + I Italic

  5. ctrl + T Table

  6. ```+ Enter Code Block

  7. Blockquote: > + space

  8. Escape character: \ + character

  • Unordered list: " - " + space or " * " + space
  • Ordered list: Number + “.” + space
  • Generate table of contents: [TOC] + Enter
  • Select entire line: ctrl + l
  • Select word: ctrl + d
  • Select text with the same format: ctrl + e
  • Jump to the beginning of the article: ctrl + home
  • Jump to the end of the article: ctrl + end
  • Search: ctrl + f
  • Replace: ctrl + h
  • Quote: Type > and then enter space
  • Code block: ctrl + alt + f
  • Bold: ctrl + b
  • Italic: ctrl + i
  • Underline: ctrl + u
  • Strikethrough: alt + shift + 5 or content
  • Horizontal line: - - - or ***
  • Insert link: ctrl + k
  • Mathematical formula: $$ + Enter
  • Emoji: : + word +: Common emoji reference: Emoji Cheat Sheet
  • Table of contents: [toc] + Enter
  • Insert image: Drag directly to the desired location or ctrl + shift + i

Images can be dragged directly, but they are relative paths and can only be used locally. If you want to use them in a blog, use absolute paths.

Links can be directly copied and pasted.

No. Type Shortcut
1 Strikethrough alt+shift+5
2 Subscript content
3 Superscript content
4 Footnote [+^+footnote]
5 Highlight ==content==
6 Emphasize ctrl+shift+`
7 Fade +content+
8 Escape \ + symbol
9 Clear formatting ctrl + \
10 Center
+center content+
11 Right-align


12 Left-align


13 Line break Enter or
14 Space (one Chinese character is two spaces) (one space) (two spaces recommended)

2. Operations

No. Type Shortcut
1 New Ctrl+N
2 New window Ctrl+Shift+N
3 Open Ctrl+O
4 Quick open Ctrl+P
5 Save Ctrl+S
6 Save as Ctrl+Shift+S
7 Close Ctrl+W
8 Undo Ctrl+Z
9 Redo Ctrl+Y
10 Copy as Markdown Ctrl+Shift+C
11 Paste as plain text Ctrl+Shift+V
12 Select current line/sentence Ctrl+L
13 Select current formatted text Ctrl+E
14 Select current word Ctrl+D
15 Jump to beginning Ctrl+Home
16 Jump to end Ctrl+End
17 Find Ctrl+F
18 Replace Ctrl+H
19 Outline view Ctrl+Shift+1
20 Document list view Ctrl+Shift+2
21 File tree view Ctrl+Shift+3
22 Show/hide sidebar Ctrl+Shift+L
23 Source code mode Ctrl+/
24 Focus mode F8
25 Typewriter mode F9
26 Toggle full screen F11
27 Actual size Ctrl+Shift+0
28 Zoom in/Zoom out Ctrl + Shift+ +/-
29 Switch windows in-app Ctrl+Tab
30 Open DevTools Shift+F12

3. Using Typora to Generate PDF, HTML, and Other Files

File → Export → Choose the format to export

4. Markdown Drawing

Link: Markdown Drawing

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Last updated on 2024-08-23 22:48 +0800
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