
Hugo, the world's fastest framework for building websites

  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Technology from a certain 985 university.

  • Study abroad experience: Exchanged for one semester at a top 10 QS-ranked school.

  • Currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Technology at a certain 985 university.

  • Hobbies include photography, enjoying travel and capturing scenic views along the way.

  • Enjoys watching anime and high-rated movies.

  • Plays badminton.

  • Explores the world of gastronomy and excels in cooking.

  • Despite being an engineering student, also has a keen interest in history and politics, with a broad range of knowledge.

  • Aspires to become a writer or a creative wordsmith in the future.

Last updated on 2024-08-23 22:48 +0800
Built with Hugo | Theme Stack designed by Jimmy